Windows - Apply Windows Updates

Octopus.Script exported 07/22/2020 by twerthi belongs to 'Windows' category.

Step template to check for and apply Windows Updates with optional automatic reboot.


When steps based on the template are included in a project's deployment process, the parameters below can be set.

Auto reboot

windowsUpdateAutoReboot = False

Check the box to allow an automatic reboot. Warning: using this option will cause the machine to reboot after installing the first update that requires a reboot. If there are multiple updates that require a reboot, the rest of the updates will not be installed.

Script body

Steps based on this template will execute the following PowerShell script.
Show script
function Get-NugetPackageProviderNotInstalled
	# See if the nuget package provider has been installed
    return ($null -eq (Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable -Name Nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))

function Get-ModuleInstalled
    # Define parameters

    # Check to see if the module is installed
    if ($null -ne (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $PowerShellModuleName))
        # It is installed
        return $true
        # Module not installed
        return $false

# Force use of TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$autoReboot = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean("$windowsUpdateAutoReboot")

# Check to see if the NuGet package provider is installed
if ((Get-NugetPackageProviderNotInstalled) -ne $false)
  # Display that we need the nuget package provider
  Write-Host "Nuget package provider not found, installing ..."

  # Install Nuget package provider
  Install-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -Force

  Write-Output "Nuget package provider succesfully installed ..."

Write-Output "Checking for PowerShell module PSWindowsUpdate ..."

if ((Get-ModuleInstalled -PowerShellModuleName "PSWindowsUpdate") -ne $true)
	Write-Output "PSWindowsUpdate not found, installing ..."
    # Install PSWindowsUpdate
    Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force
    Write-Output "Installation of PSWindowsUpdate complete ..."

Write-Output "Checking for updates ..."

$windowsUpdates = Get-WindowsUpdate 

# Check to see if there's anything to install
if ($windowsUpdates.Count -gt 0)
	Write-Output "Installing updates ..."
    if ($autoReboot)
		Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot
    	Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll
	Write-Output "There are no updates available."

To use this template in Octopus Deploy, copy the JSON below and paste it into the Library → Step templates → Import dialog.

  "Id": "3472f207-3934-44db-a4ac-1390167cf7ed",
  "Name": "Windows - Apply Windows Updates",
  "Description": "Step template to check for and apply Windows Updates with optional automatic reboot.",
  "Version": 1,
  "ExportedAt": "2020-07-22T23:47:53.859Z",
  "ActionType": "Octopus.Script",
  "Author": "twerthi",
  "Packages": [],
  "Parameters": [
      "Id": "004de404-ec52-47d3-ad49-ea96224182c6",
      "Name": "windowsUpdateAutoReboot",
      "Label": "Auto reboot",
      "HelpText": "Check the box to allow an automatic reboot. **Warning**: using this option will cause the machine to reboot after installing the first update that requires a reboot.  If there are multiple updates that require a reboot, the rest of the updates will not be installed.",
      "DefaultValue": "False",
      "DisplaySettings": {
        "Octopus.ControlType": "Checkbox"
  "Properties": {
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource": "Inline",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "PowerShell",
    "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "function Get-NugetPackageProviderNotInstalled\n{\n\t# See if the nuget package provider has been installed\n    return ($null -eq (Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable -Name Nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))\n}\n\nfunction Get-ModuleInstalled\n{\n    # Define parameters\n    param(\n        $PowerShellModuleName\n    )\n\n    # Check to see if the module is installed\n    if ($null -ne (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $PowerShellModuleName))\n    {\n        # It is installed\n        return $true\n    }\n    else\n    {\n        # Module not installed\n        return $false\n    }\n}\n\n\n# Force use of TLS 1.2\n[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12\n\n$autoReboot = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean(\"$windowsUpdateAutoReboot\")\n\n# Check to see if the NuGet package provider is installed\nif ((Get-NugetPackageProviderNotInstalled) -ne $false)\n{\n  # Display that we need the nuget package provider\n  Write-Host \"Nuget package provider not found, installing ...\"\n\n  # Install Nuget package provider\n  Install-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -Force\n\n  Write-Output \"Nuget package provider succesfully installed ...\"\n}\n\n\nWrite-Output \"Checking for PowerShell module PSWindowsUpdate ...\"\n\nif ((Get-ModuleInstalled -PowerShellModuleName \"PSWindowsUpdate\") -ne $true)\n{\n\tWrite-Output \"PSWindowsUpdate not found, installing ...\"\n    \n    # Install PSWindowsUpdate\n    Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force\n    \n    Write-Output \"Installation of PSWindowsUpdate complete ...\"\n}\n\nWrite-Output \"Checking for updates ...\"\n\n$windowsUpdates = Get-WindowsUpdate \n\n# Check to see if there's anything to install\nif ($windowsUpdates.Count -gt 0)\n{\n\tWrite-Output \"Installing updates ...\"\n    if ($autoReboot)\n    {\n\t\tInstall-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot\n    }\n    else\n    {\n    \tInstall-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll\n    }\n}\nelse\n{\n\tWrite-Output \"There are no updates available.\"\n}",
    "Octopus.Action.EnabledFeatures": ""
  "Category": "Windows",
  "HistoryUrl": "",
  "Website": "/step-templates/3472f207-3934-44db-a4ac-1390167cf7ed",
  "$Meta": {
    "Type": "ActionTemplate"

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